Give All publishes toolkits that teach you how to build a brand, create a digital presence, and better position your organization.
Give All publishes toolkits that teach you how to build a brand, create a digital presence, and better position your organization.
After over 10 years of business at verynice, we are making all of the workshop methodologies we've used with hundreds of clients available for you to download. With 10 toolkits and 25+ worksheets in total, our game-changing curriculum and accompanying video walkthroughs help you learn how to get stuff done on your own.
People come to your organization for its product or service, but stay for the brand. Set yourself apart and communicate your value to your stakeholders
Featuring toolkits for: Mission Statements, Brand Strategy & Identity, and Value Proposition.
How people find you is equally as important as what they find. Create a digital presence so that you can make sure your audience can get to you in the first place.
Featuring toolkits for: Information Architecture, User Experience & Interface Design, and Marketing Strategy.
The only constant is change. Take a more active role in creating change within your organization and responding to changes around your organization.
Featuring toolkits for: Competitive Analysis, Collaborative Analysis, Service Design, and Strategic Planning.
Craft a strong and authentic brand strategy.
Organize your website content into an easy-to-follow site map
Craft a 12-month strategic plan that maps out key milestones and activities to get you where you need to be
Better define existing collaborations, or imagine new potential ones.
Create a strategic marketing campaign that will inspire your audience to engage
Collaboratively and quickly sketch a user experience that works
Map out your direct and peripheral competition while also positioning yourself amongst them
Write a mission statement that your entire organization can rally behind
Uncover your value while by writing a value proposition statement that clearly communicates your niche.
Use service design to map out the journey your user and team need to take to make an experience happen. (English only)
As design strategists and creative facilitation gurus, we combine playful creativity with applied strategy to facilitate productive consulting sessions that help entrepreneurs and organizations think creatively about the problems in front of them. Working with us puts you in good hands. We have worked with hundreds of clients across the globe on over 1,500 initiatives.
While supplies last, get a printed copy in the mail as a thank you for donating!
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Available in English only. Does not include Service Design toolkit
Matthew Manos is an award-winning design strategist, social entrepreneur, and educator. Matthew is the Founder and Managing Director of verynice, a design strategy consultancy that gives half of its work away for free to nonprofit organizations. Launched in 2008, verynice is known across the globe for being one of the first social enterprises in the design industry. verynice’s clientele includes Google, UNICEF, NASA, and the American Heart Association. To date, verynice has provided access to over $40MM USD worth of services and resources to benefit over thousands of organizations, practitioners, and students across the globe. Called “crazy or genius” by Forbes Magazine, and named one of seven millennials changing the world by The Huffington Post, Matthew’s pioneering work in the field of social enterprise has inspired thousands of practitioners to engage in socially and environmentally responsible business. Matthew speaks at institutions across the globe, and his work and ideas have also been featured in Entrepreneur, GOOD, Maxim, Inc, Fast Company, Wired, and Business Insider.
Author & Creative Director: Matthew Manos
Content Strategists: Shane Chase and Marc Tobia
Brand Designer: Sherlan Abesamis
Book Designer: Katie Manos
Editor: Lorie Manos
Spanish Edition Translation: Isabel Diez, Yanira Matienzo, Arturo Becerra (Disruptive Option)
Portuguese Edition Translation: Travis Kupp, Beatriz Lorente
Arabic Edition Translation: Deaa Bataineh (Made of Labs), Prof. Ruba F. Bataineh, Dr. Shouib N. Ma'bdeh , Alaa Obeidat, Dania Dahdoulan, Fatema Hammad, Hind Alkurd, Reham Azzeh, Tariq Mansi, Wajd Nagrash, Zaina Aljarrah
Chinese Edition Translation: Wayne Kuo, Sean Ng, Allison Gilbert
Russian Edition Translation: Olga Bershadska, Grigory Martishin, Katerina Vodopianova, Goldovanskaya Valeriya, Iryna Usenko, Inna Vedernikova, Tanya Abramova
Additional Contributors: Chenoa Cressey, Alexia Chuck, Zach Cohen, Florencia Di Sarli, Jake Dunagan, Marlon Fuentes, Chrystal Li, Jennie McGuirk, Alisa Olinova, Olivia Sy, Clarisa Valdez, Anna Zigmond